ATS STEM Newsletter nr. 10, June 2022

ATS STEM Newsletter

ATS STEM Newsletter nr. 10, June 2022

Project activities from March 2022


  • Regularpartner monthly on-line meeting (3 March, 7 April)
  • Two partner meetings (Santiago de Compostela 14–15 March, Dublin 4–6 May)
  • WPs’ essentialpartner workshopsandexpertgroupmeetings on weeklyormonthly base
  • 3rd Webinar for policy makers, 28 April
  • Final conference live in Dublin (also streamed online), 6 May
  • Final ATS STEM Pilot schools networking event, ZoomIn, 24 May


Final conference

Latest news

Country news in other languages:


Available at

Learning cycles examples:

More examples coming soon …

Interesting links (international/national workshops and events)

You are invited to check some of the recent publications:

Thank you for following and working with us. We invite you to visit where we will provide all the resources for you to use.
Stay tuned for another newsletter in autumn. Until then, happy holidays!

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