27 Jun ATS STEM Newsletter nr. 10, June 2022
Project activities from March 2022
- Regularpartner monthly on-line meeting (3 March, 7 April)
- Two partner meetings (Santiago de Compostela 14–15 March, Dublin 4–6 May)
- WPs’ essentialpartner workshopsandexpertgroupmeetings on weeklyormonthly base
- 3rd Webinar for policy makers, 28 April
- Final conference live in Dublin (also streamed online), 6 May
- Final ATS STEM Pilot schools networking event, ZoomIn, 24 May
- Working on an online version of the Framework
- Collecting country pilot reports and relevant resources
- Transnational Report finalized
- Organising Final conference in May
- Other reports and resources
- Quality Assurance – disemination events and deliverables
- Executive research report translation to national languages
- Policy recommendations by partner countries (Impact at EU level):
- Project end: 27 May 2022
Final conference
Latest news
- 14.03.2022 Partner meeting in Santiago de Compostela, March 2022
- 07.04.2022 ATS STEM National Research Report – Finland
- 28.04.2022 Policy Webinar #3
- 29.04.2022 Watch LIVE, join us on-line
- 10.05.2022 Partner meeting in Dublin, May 2022
- 11.05.2022 Project dissemination at ITK webinar presenting ATS STEM model and implementation of digital assessment
- 16.05.2022 Future project dissemination at ITK Conference 2022
Country news in other languages:
- 24.02.2022 The ATS STEM Erasmus+ Project at the SETT fair
- 11.03.2022 Spletna konferenca ATS STEM: Rešujmo realne probleme in razvijajmo prečne veščine
- 25.04.2022 GO! Meets iSTEM meets ATS STEM
- 27.04.2022 Nationale ATS STEM conferentie in mindandmakerspace te Gent
- 15.05.2022 ATS STEM projects visible on SDGtv
Available at https://www.atsstem.eu/resources/
Learning cycles examples:
- How to improve the lives of the elderly (Slovenian)
- Plastic Soup (English)
- Irrigation system (English)
- BEE happy (English)
More examples coming soon …
- Is it in the bin (English)
- Inside and Outside Adventure (English)
- Open Spaces (years 4–6) / Offentliga rum (årskurs 4-6) (English / Swedish)
- Energy in my home (English)
Interesting links (international/national workshops and events)
- Irish Learning Technology Association: EdTech2022, 27 May
- researchED Deutschland in Dusseldorf, Germany. 18 June
- CASTeL 9th STEM Education Research Conference (SMEC), 24–25 June: “Regenerating STEM Education – Growing back better”
- AEA Europe E- assessment SIG webinar: Comparative judgment as a facilitator for peer assessment by Eva Hartell 30 June at 13–14 GMT+1 (examples from ATS STEM Open spaces)
- Kildare EATS STEM Summer Teacher Course, 4–8 July: Planning STEM lessons/projects in the Primary Classroom – Developing & Assessing STEM Skills (eckildare.ie)
- Comparative judgement as a facilitator for peer assessment. Festival of Education at Wellington College, UK. 7–8 July
- ResearchED Dublin, Ireland. 24 September
You are invited to check some of the recent publications:
- Is it in the bin? Seeking authentic assessment in STEM: ATSSTEM
- Bedömningsmetoder inom STEM
- Seeking informed consent in a multilingual school environment: ATSSTEM – project
- Informerat samtycke i flerspråkig skolmiljö
Thank you for following and working with us. We invite you to visit www.atsstem.eu where we will provide all the resources for you to use.
Stay tuned for another newsletter in autumn. Until then, happy holidays!
Follow us:
- ATS STEM – youtube channel
- Brochure ATS STEMavailable in all languages of partner countries
- The ATS-STEM Teacher Guidelines are available as a Moodle course. Log in as a guest: bit.ly/atsstemmoodle
- sdg-tv.be available in English
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