ATS STEM Newsletter nr. 11, Autumn 2022

ATS STEM Newsletter

ATS STEM Newsletter nr. 11, Autumn 2022

ATS STEM project ended on 27th May, but the website with all the resources remains. Welcome anytime!


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Our project partners Eva Hartell (Researcher in Haninge & at KTH, ambassador for researchED Scandinavia) and Eamon Costello (Dublin City University, project manager for ATS  STEM) had the opportunity and pleasure to present the project ATS STEM and it’s results at the researchED.

With the purpose of review and recommendations to key stakeholders and other users, we have prepared a short summary of our research findings.

V projektu ATS STEM je sodelovala skupina učiteljic, ki je raziskovala možnosti za spodbujanje socialno-čustvenega učenja učenk in učencev. Kot rezultat je nastala vrsta zanimivih dejavnosti, ki so zbrane v publikaciji Samouravnavanje čustev in odnosov – Ideje za spodbujanje socialno-čustvenih veščin učencev.






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