Third Virtual Partner Meeting (Krems, Austria)_3rd day

Third Virtual Partner Meeting (Krems, Austria)_3rd day

11:00 – 12:00 (CET) Fernardez de la Iglesia (USC), Filiz Keser-Aschenberger (DUK): WP5 – Pilot evaluation

  • Status of the evaluation of the pilots – an overview of the current status in partner countriesPartner meeting, March 2021
  • Observation of lessons on-line: difficulties and possibilities
  • Showing the communication platform for national evaluators Mattermost: How does it work?

12:00 – 12:30 (CET) Sonja Brachtl (DUK): WP8 – Quality Assurance

  • Timeline for Quality Assurance and Risk Management
  • Activities and key findings of last and current monitoring period
  • Next “To Dos” for partners

One of the key elements of the project, in order to prepare a concrete and well-formed policy recommendation, is the pilot evaluation. At Tuesday’s meeting we discussed the status of the evaluation of the pilots country by country. Of course, the Covid pandemic had an important impact on the implementation of the projects. Almost in all pilot schools classroom observations were not possible, only in virtual space. We still need to discuss and evaluate to what extent this influences the results of the observation and what lessons are learned (difficulties and opportunities).

In this work package, the project partners use an online platform, Mattermost, as a communication platform for the national evaluators. Our colleague Filiz presented to all meeting participants how the platform works.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to Quality Assurance. With Sonja we discussed our timeline for Quality Assurance and Risk Management. She presented the activities and main results of the last and current monitoring period. The questionnaires on Risk Management still have to be filled in and as usual all partners will receive a questionnaire after this meeting in Austria to collect feedback on the organisational quality and content of the meetings. We have given our first feedback on both WP on Google Jamboard, another interesting online tool for joint work, exchange of views and knowledge.

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