Third Virtual Partner Meeting (Krems, Austria)_1st day

Third Virtual Partner Meeting (Krems, Austria)_1st day

Partner meeting, March 2021AGENDA
11.00 – 11.10 (CET) John Hurley (H2 & DCU): Welcome and opening of the meeting,
11.10 – 11.20 (CET) Isabell Grundschober (DUK): Presentation of DUK and Krems, Austria
11:20 – 12:00 (CET) Maria Fojk, John Hurley (DCU & H2): WP7, Project management
12.00 – 12:20 (CET)  Eamon Costello (DCU): WP1&2: Towards an ATS Framework: helping students and teachers
12.20 – 12.45 (CET) After-Meeting Networking

Were it not for the coronavirus pandemic, this time we would have a partnership meeting in Krems an der Donau, Austria.

For the first day, work packages 7 (Project Management) and 1&2 (Framework & Digital Assesment) were on the agenda.
We started with project management as they are often last in line (numbers-wise), but right now they are critical. Currently we are in the middle of the reporting period. Many open issues have been discussed, even voted on and put on the to-do list.

Following this, Eamon Costello (DCU) opened up the space for discussion and thoughts on the established ATS STEM framework and methods / types of digital assesment. As our project is a policy experiment, the final conclusions may be in favour or against the outcomes and methods used. Due to the current challenging times for schools and teachers, we need to keep an open mind and create an agile framework.
The opportunity we have is to take our conclusions and findings to another stage to explore how we think about STEM education, which is a priority for the European Comission. With the project conclusions we can shape the discussion and future policy.


As this is our third online meeting, we all crave elements of socializing and various networking activities. Isabell from DUK prepared a short activity for us in Wonder, focusing on a culinary experience – making kaiserschmarrn or shredded pancakes. Chats in Wonder was a wonderful new experience and we will try to make (and virtually share) shredded pancakes at our next meeting, this Thursday.

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