Third Virtual Partner Meeting (Krems, Austria)_2nd day

Third Virtual Partner Meeting (Krems, Austria)_2nd day

11:00 – 11:30 (CET) Jarmo Viteli, Anne Rongas (UTA): WP3: Teachers’ Professional Development
Teachers from Vesala school
• Vesala school ATS STEM project presentation and discussion
• Discussion
11:30 – 12:30 (CET) WP4: Pilot Implementation
GO! and Piloting Partners
• Current status of the pilot implementation in each pilot country (4-5min)
• Discussion regarding specific difficulties and challenges
12:30 – 13:00 DUK: Austrian Culinary Experience

ATS STEM project involves 91 pilot schools and 328 teachers (3672 students). It is an important contribution to teaching and assesment practices in the area of STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). At this stage of the project, a large proportion of the participating schools completed the first learning cycle.
You can review teacher materials and tap into our resources – a series of five reports based on deliverables related to the ATS STEM project.

In the video below, you can see the results from Vesala School Ylikiiminki, Oulu, Finland.

After the presentation of the WP3 from our Finnish collegues, Bart Van Dyck (Belgium) and all project piloting partners presented the current situation in WP4 – Pilot Implementation.

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