03 Jul ATS STEM Newsletter – July 2020
Project activities from December 2019
- Partner monthly on-line meetings
- WPs’ essential partner meetings on weekly or monthly base
- ATS STEM Mentor workshop, Tampere, 3/12/2019
- 2nd Partner Meeting in Tampere, Finland, 4th and 5th December 2019 (Day 1)
- 2nd Partner Meeting in Tampere, Finland, 4th and 5th December 2019 (Day 2)
- 3rd face-to-face partner meeting planned at the end of April 2020 postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and a series of online meetings organised to discuss the most important project issues
Report: The first progress report prepared and submitted to the EACEA in Spring 2020
Current activities:
- Revised project timeline due to the Covid-19 and updated Risk management
- Finalizing of the deliverables on ATS STEM Conceptual Framework and STEM Digital Formative Assessment Approaches
- Preparation of Pilot implementation
- A CPD Design Team is now working on the design of examples of good practice on ATS STEM learning scenarios for further teachers’ workshops, MOOC and support
- Further development of teacher supporting materials in STEM under the umbrella theme of sustainable development
- Further development of ATS STEM Evaluation tools on Pilot testing processes
- Promotion of the project on the on-line conferences and events as well as on Twitter and project’s webpage (updates at project level as well as national levels)
Latest news
- 18 Jun – Which digital tool is the best for your student?
- 04 Jun – The ATS STEM project risk assessment during COVID-19
- 28 May – FTAG-Meeting (short report)
- 15 May – From silo thinking to integrated teaching
- 12 Mar – Webinars for Slovenian teachers
- 05 Mar – Practical Comparative Judgment for Formative Assessment – Presentation by Dr. Eva Hartell
- 04 Mar – Launch of WP1 and WP2 Reports in DCU, Dublin
- 20 Feb – Information cards of 17 pilot ATS STEM schools in Slovenia
- 12 Feb – MOOC for Slovenian teachers
Useful links (international/national workshops and events):
- Media & Learning Online conference
- Overview status of education in each European country due to Covid-19
- Maths resources for home learning | STEM
Thank you for being interested in the project ATS STEM!
ATS STEM is co-funded under the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 3.
Visit web page: https://www.atsstem.eu
Follow ATS STEM on Twitter
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