Cluster Meeting for Policy Experimentations 15 & 16 October 2019

Cluster Meeting for Policy Experimentations 15 & 16 October 2019

Cluster Meeting for Policy Experimentations 15 & 16 October 2019Dr Eamon Costello, ATS STEM project coordinator, and Dr Carmen Fernández Morante leader of Work Package 5 regarding the design and evaluation of the pilot testing phase, participated in two days of workshops in Brussels on Oct 15 and 16th at the invitation of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) (Unit A1) of the European Commission. The first day involved over 100 project coordinators of KA 3 Erasmus+ projects engaging in a series of workshops to network, brainstorm and exchange and share ideas. The second, more focused day, involved coordinators, researchers and educational ministry representatives of KA 3 Policy Experimentations projects and were designed to help interrogate the main challenges and opportunities of the action, which aims to realise policy experimentations at scale in European education.

One of the key aims of both workshops was that findings collected and synthesized during the day would feed into the parameters of future Erasmus+ calls. Carmen and Eamon were delighted to represent the ATS STEM project and both found the day of immense value in sharing experiences, best practices and discussing challenges with colleagues on other related projects.

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