Inside and outside adventures

Inside and outside adventures

We have recently started our project “Inside and outside adventures” with our students in 4th grade (9–10 year-olds) at Runstensskolan in Haninge, Sweden. This cross over project is integrating technology, science, sports, slöjd and arts. Slöjd, comparable with “Design and technology”, is a typical Swedish subject that includes craft using many different materials; such as wood, textiles and metal.

The students work with different tasks in each subject, but everything is connected, and the overarching theme is sustainable development with a particularly focus on our environment. This also includes work with some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Each and every subject the students achieve knowledge that will contribute and be useful for them during the whole project. As an example, in science and technology class they discuss sustainable development and renewable energy, in art class they make perspective drawings of landscapes. These landscapes has to include something, which is connected with the knowledge that they achieved during science or technology classes. The students will bring their drawings to slöjd and use them as models when they build their landscapes in 3D.

In the middle of the project we have an outdoor day where the students also have tasks connected to the work that they previously done in the different subject domains.

Due to all the subjects and the various of tasks in the project I can easily say that all the eight competencies in STEM are represented. / Eva Ferntoft teacher at Runstensskolan in Haninge, and mentor in ATSSTEM Team Sweden.

Runstensskolan’s website



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