
As the end date of the ATS STEM project is approaching, partners met for the last face to face meeting at the DCU All Hallows Campus in Dublin. The meeting was composed of two days of meetings and workshops followed with the final conference.  ATS...

Project activities from December 2021   Meetings   Project partner meeting online (January 17th and 18th) Regular partner monthly on-line meeting (February 3rd, March 3rd) WPs’ essential partner workshops and expert group meetings on weekly or monthly base 2nd ATS STEM webinar for policy makers and stakeholders, 28 January Current activities   ATS STEM Dissemination of research results: Infographics with country and school results are being prepared Researching...

How to improve the lives of the residents of the center for the elderly in Medvode The presentation shows how eight grade students, using an engineering approach and elements of formative monitoring of collaboration and problem solving skills, and with the support of various ICT...

The Finnish team’s project dissemination continued on Thursday and Friday at the ITK (Interactive Technology in Education) conference for 2021. National research coordinator Iida-Maria Peltomaa and teacher mentor Vuokko Kangas delivered a very well attended conference presentation entitled “STE(A)M as a learning tool, inspiration and...

Na Osnovni šoli Otočec sodelujemo v projektu s skupino šestih učiteljev naravoslovnih predmetov in z dvema oddelka učencev 7. in 8. razreda. S temi učenci razvijamo prečni veščini kritičnega mišljenja ter sodelovanja in komunikacije.   Spremljanje in vrednotenje prečnih veščin poteka v spletnem okolju Moodle, ki ga dopolnjujemo...

V torek 16. marca je Zavod RS za šolstvo organiziral že deseto srečanje vodij šolskih timov. On-line srečanje je bilo namenjeno pregledu trenutnega stanja in načrtovanju dela v prihodnjih treh mesecih.