
Agenda 2030 deck of cards contains three cards for each Sustainable Development Goal: The first card presents a summary of the Goal. The second card contains a short orientation activity that can be completed alone or in teams. The cards can be used to build...

In Corona time, how should we inspire our schools to soon start working with our framework of STEM competencies? After all, many schools are currently closed or are starting up rather sparsely. The Field Trial Advisory Group (FTAG) didn't just sit back and took on the...

On 02.04.2020 the advantages of integrated teaching were presented in the lecture "From silo thinking to integrated teaching", in the course of the EDUdays2020 by Stefan Oppl, Sonja Brachtl and Bettina Ponleitner. The aim was to provide an insight into the design and implementation of...

We prepared and carried out three webinars for Slovenian teachers. The common topics of the webinars were the development and assessment of transversal skills. The emphasis in the first webinar was on the development and assessment of inquiry-based learning. In the second webinar, teachers learned...

V našem timu želimo s sodelovanjem v projektu posodobiti pouk, še povečati interes učencev za učno delo in zvišati ravni zahtevnosti pri pouku, obenem pa tudi povečati interes učiteljev za medpredmetne povezave....

V našem timu želimo s sodelovanjem v projektu posodobiti pouk, še povečati interes učencev za učno delo in zvišati ravni zahtevnosti pri pouku, obenem pa tudi povečati interes učiteljev za medpredmetne povezave....