07 Oct University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria
University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK), established in 1995, is the only state-owned university in Europe that specialises in providing further postgraduate education. The university is facing up to the technological and social challenges of lifelong learning and implementing innovation in educational research and teaching. The university has three faculties and employs over three hundred academic staff. The Centre for Applied Research and Innovation in Lifelong Learning is dedicated to exploring the relationship between education and technology. Researchers have long been active in the field of eLearning and didactics with a focus in technology-supported validation of non-formal/informal learning, patterns of teaching and learning with interactive media.
Team members

Isabell Grundschober
Research and project management lead
Sonja Brachtl
Quality assurance and risk management lead
Nilay Aral
Researcher in the field of digital assessment (WP2), dissemination
Stefan Oppl
Senior researcher
Gregor Pirker
Susanne Lippl
Financial management
Madlen Gschwantner
Financial managementGoals
The Centre for Applied Research and Innovation in Lifelong Learning of University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK) will lead WP8 (Quality Assurance) and will especially support WP2 (STEM Formative Digital Assessment Approach) and WP5 (Evaluation of the Pilot Testing Process) with experience in educational technology.
The staff at the center will augment the visibility and networking of the project via social media. In this regard, WP6 (dissemination & exploitation) will be supported through mass media and articles in community networks. Dissemination and exploitation activities will reach a considerable target audience in German speaking countries and beyond.